Contact Us

We are based in Auckland, with direct and indirect clients across New Zealand, Australia, and the South Pacific.
For general and sales enquiries, please email us on
We do not have a dedicated sales team, but your email will be responded to by one of our consultants as soon as practical. Having a purely mobile workforce, and it being the third decade of the 21st century, we do not have an company phone number. Staff phone numbers will be provided if appropriate in response to email enquiries.
Please do not send us unsolicited marketing material, it will be ignored if it makes it through our mail filters. We may respond to actual personalised email messages, but please don’t be offended if we do not; we are a small and busy team that is not currently looking to expand our product portfolio.
For assistance with your ERP system, please email us at
If you are not already a customer, we will ask you to complete our Customer Application Form (PDF document). Please also see our Terms and Conditions.